Village on the Park Bentonville
Spring Cleaning! Five Ways to Downsize Thoughtfully

Thinking about transitioning to a senior living community but concerned about downsizing? Downsizing may seem overwhelming, but with proper planning, it can be easier. We understand that the sentimental value and functionality of your possessions can complicate the decision-making process. Here are some organizational tips to help you prepare for your move. Let’s kick off Spring Cleaning!

Imagine Your Goal Lifestyle

Sometimes you need a bit of motivation to kickstart the organizing process, and what better way than to focus on your personal goals? Whether it’s cutting down on chores or enjoying more social activities, looking forward to the aspects of senior living that excite you can provide the necessary motivation!

Visualizing the look of your new space can be an enjoyable way to identify essential items to bring with you to your new home at Village on the Park Bentonville. Our team is ready to help you create a furniture plan for your future residence, making it easier to make decisions when you have a list of items you plan to keep.

Tip: Instead of trying to look at all your items at once, it is better to identify your essentials, so you have a good starting point.

Find What Works for You

There are many ways to go about downsizing, so it’s important to discover what works best for you! Consider when you feel most energized during the day. If mornings are your peak time, consider scheduling organization for then. Another idea is to listen to music to maintain momentum while decluttering. Try out different techniques to find the organization method that resonates with you the most!

Tip: Create a timeline with designated dates and times, breaks included, for your downsizing projects and commit to it. Having structured time for work and rest will help the process flow more smoothly.

Take it One Space at a Time

This packing tip is ideal for those who are goal-oriented! Taking on one area or spot at a time is usually the best approach. This method allows you to feel a sense of fulfillment each time you finish organizing a full closet or messy desk. There is a satisfying feeling that comes with checking off tasks on your to-do list!

Categorize Items

We recognize that your things may hold sentimental value and it may be challenging to separate from them. We recommend dividing your belongings into four categories so that each item can find a good use.

  • Keep – Keep things that are meaningful to you – they will bring warmth to your new space.
  • Gift -Giving away items that hold special memories but are no longer useful to you can be a thoughtful gesture. Your children, grandchildren, or neighbors might find joy in using these items, especially knowing that they came from you.
  • Donate – Donating to nonprofit organizations is a wonderful way to help your gently used items find a new home. Be sure to search for nearby resale stores, as some may provide free furniture pick-up services! 
  • Discard – While not always enjoyable, the greatest advantage of this option is the sense of cleanliness and order that comes with throwing items in the trash or recycling bin.

Tip: To determine if you will miss something, simply ask yourself if you have used it within the last year. If not, chances are you won’t use it in the upcoming year either.

Add Labels

Don’t forget to label each box with both the contents and the room it belongs in before packing. This will make it easier to unpack later on and locate items when needed.

Tip: Before moving, prepare a special box called the “Right Away” box for essentials you will need immediately after moving, including glasses, medications, and chargers.

Don’t be discouraged by the idea of downsizing – with these tips, the process can be made easier! Downsizing also brings benefits like decluttering, lessening the stress of home maintenance, and more opportunity for fun in a senior living community.

Whether you have questions about downsizing or are curious about a free furniture plan, our team is ready to help!